Broad-Based Sources on Multiple Topics:
Ibn Battuta- Fordham Sourcebooks (website)
"Al-Bekri and Leo Africanus." Middle Ages Reference Library, (Database-Gale eBooks)
Timbuktu: Unesco (website-video)
South African History Online (website)
BBC- Timbuktu manuscripts and more (website)
Musa I - transportation and architecture (Britannica database)
Mosques- (database- Gale)
Timbuktu: Religion and Ethics Newsweekly (website)
Architecture/City Planning
Djinguereber mosque (website)
Cities in Medieval Africa (database- Infobase) - look at the intro and sections headed “City Plans in Midieval Africa” and “Timbuktu”
Trade/Economic Activity
The Road to Timbuktu: trade & empire (database- Jstor)
Mining, Quarrying, and Salt-Making in Midieval Africa (database- Infobase)
World’s Toughest Job: Salt Miner (website-video) - modern video, ancient techniques that have been used for 1,000 years
Mansa Musa- emperor (database-Gale)
Education/Places of Learning
Universities (.PDF)
Art and Music
Social Class Structure
Leisure, Recreation, and Daily Life: Overview (database-Gale)
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