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All About NNLLC: About Us

Library Facts

Standards for Teaching and Learning:

AASL Standards Framework for Learners. American Library Association, 2018,

Gretes, Frances. SCHOOL LIBRARY IMPACT STUDIES: A Review of Findings and Guide to Sources. Gretes Research Services, 2013, SCHOOL LIBRARY IMPACT STUDIES: A Review of Findings and Guide to Sources,

Digital Literacy Framework for Massachusetts

Erin Dalbec: Library Teacher
M.S.L.S., Simmons College
Fun facts: Ms. Dalbec plays bass guitar, loves taking hikes with her dog and makes a killer vegan mac and cheese.



Lauren ItalianoLauren Italiano: Library Teacher
 M.S.L.S., Florida State University
 Fun facts: I love to cook, I have a turkey fryer, and I'm not afraid to use it!



Kate Kennedy  Kate Kennedy: Library Teacher
  MS., McDaniel College 
  Fun facts: Ms. Kennedy taught high school English for 8 years. She 
wrangles two small children (her own) in her  spare time and makes a mean Turducken. 

The Library Learning Commons and Staff encourage creativity, collaboration and curiosity.

The Library Learning Commons (LLC) is a popular academic space. Sometimes we have more students than tables, so we give priority to students who need to use our space for school work. You may on occasion be asked to leave if you are not focusing on academics.

Please be respectful and kind to all students, teachers and librarians in the LLC. While food is not allowed, you may bring in drinks in closed containers. Snacks can be eaten in the hallway outside of the library. 

In our collaborative zones, we have tables with seating for 2 and 4. The quiet zone is a part of the library that was requested by our students who needed a quiet place to study. In this area, students must stay silent and the area is one person per table.

Students in good academic standing (grades 10-12) are allowed to come into the LLC during free blocks. Students who want to use the library during WINs must sign up in MyFlex Learning. Ms. Dalbec, Ms. Italiano, and Ms. Kennedy offer WIN block activities in the library classrooms (225A and 225E).

We provide resources related to the entire school curriculum in many formats. We teach and collaborate with your teachers and peers in all departments. We offer and promote books that we think you'll love to read. Our library is both a physical and virtual space where you, either by yourself or as part of a group, question, investigate, problem-solve, innovate, and create.

School librarians make connections between people and resources within and outside the school community.  We listen to students and faculty and offer ways to scale, promote, produce, and sometimes even fund, their ideas.  We organize events within and outside the library. We see common threads and connect disciplines.

School librarians are curators. We select and organize material with the specific learning goals of students in mind. We teach others how to be curators too, focusing on how to ethically borrow and collect with the purpose of creating new knowledge.


School librarians are transliteracy specialists. We teach how to be critical readers. We teach that reading is fun.   We also focus on the “new literacies” in their many forms, including visual, cultural and media literacy.  Assessing, comprehending, and interpreting skills are keys to any of these literacies. 

The Library is staffed with library teachers and an aide during the following hours:

  • Mondays, Wednesday, Thursdays, and Fridays: 9am-3:45pm
    • During WIN blocks, the library is only open to students signed up for classes with a library teacher or those students who are part of the peer tutoring program.
  • Tuesdays: 9am-2:30pm and the Library Teachers offer extra help or meet with students during Tiger Block

The Before-School Program in the LLC is supervised by a non-library faculty member. It is open to students looking for a place to do homework or print papers.

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8am-9am

The Library is open during all three lunches to all grades.

*Occasionally, the LLC will be closed due to sickness, special events or class schedules. Students will be notified via signage.


457 Walnut St.
Newton, MA 02460
tel: 617-559-6290

Instagram: @nnhslibrary

Youtube Channel: NNHS Library

Newton North High School Library

457 Walnut Street
Newton, MA 02460
call: (617) 559-6290