Assignment Overview:
Imagine you are a traveling companion to Benjamin of Tudela, a medieval Jewish traveler who visited Europe, Asia and Africa in the 12th century. You have just recently traveled to the cities of Constantinople of the Byzantine Empire and Baghdad within the Islamic Empire, and are eager to document what you’ve seen.
You should create a travelogue to share your experiences and can do so through a variety of ways (see your assignment sheet). You can propose a different way to present your travelogue if you have other ideas!
Your travelogue must describe religious life in the cities, and should also include two of the topics below.
Remember to cite your Sources with Noodletools using MLA format and please use this document for database passwords
Broad-based source:
Military and Architecture:
Byzantine Art:
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• Need ideas? Here are a few sample project templates to get you started:
Submit your final project by clicking on "share' in Canva, choose "Newton Public Schools" and "view only" under Collaboration Link. Click "copy link" and submit the link through Schoology.
Learn how to export and print your final works cited- Watch Video.
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