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Do Your Best Google Search!
Vary the words you use and think of all the ways the search can be phrased.
i.e: headache, head hurts, pain in head, etc.
“ “ - use quotes for the exact phrase
* - use for wildcard unknown or variables
i.e: manufactur* (searches manufacture, manufacturing etc)
- minus sign as a limiter. .
i.e: jaguar -car (eliminate car sites if you’re looking for the animal)
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.. shows results within a specific time frame or number range 2007..2010
Use AND,OR and NOT to search for limit, extend or include search results
Google Book Search - full text books
For primary sources, try specific keywords in your search...diaries, personal narrative, documents, testimony, library archives, etc.
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The Age of Imperialism (1800s-1960’s)
Country choices: Nigeria, Egypt, Algeria, Rwanda, Mexico, Vietnam
Write a history research paper that analytically answers the questions below:
1. a) Briefly describe the historical background of how this region was taken over
by a European country. (the causes of imperialism, reaction of natives and
type of rule set up in the region.)
b) remember this historical timeframe is new imperialism and should focus on
the years after 1880.
2. a) Examine the consequences of Imperialism on the region and argue strongly as
to whether the experience of Imperialism was helpful or harmful to the country
after independence.
b) remember this is a HISTORY PAPER so this section will focus on the 20 years
right after independence and must not include information after 2005.
REQUIREMENTS: You must write a 4-5 pgs double spaced paper that answers the above question. You must pick one position and argue convincingly that a region benefited or was harmed by European Imperialism. In order to prove your position, you must acknowledge the other point of view and refute it.
You must use at least 5 outside sources to construct this paper (3 must be non-encylopedia sources).
Checklist: □ thesis (clearly states your position)
□ historical background info relates to class notes
(SD, WMB, Capitalism, indirect/direct rule?)
□ clear criteria for judging harm or benefit to a country
□ 3 clear and specific examples to back up your position
□ outline
□ first draft w/ parenthetical source citations, working bibliography
□ revisions based on peer evaluations & teacher feedback
□ final draft and bibliography
You must use at least 5 outside sources to construct this paper (3 must be non-encylopedia sources).
Encyclopedia of Western colonialism since 1450
For Rwanda researchers- Encyclopedia of Race and Racism
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