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Fitzgerald- Sophomore Research: Sophomore Research Paper (H)

independence leaders

Research project:

Our study of New Imperialism in Africa includes encountering enormous brutality and inhumanity. While encountering this brutality is essential to understanding New Imperialism, an accurate understanding of this historical era would be incomplete without also learning about the many forms and instances of resistance.

In this project you will get to learn more about one of the most important African independence leaders of the 20th Century while developing your research skills. 

Our first research project this year is not a paper. Instead, our focus is on picking a topic, finding high quality sources, and doing the thinking necessary to create sophisticated research projects. I hope that this assignment will make all future research assignments much easier!

Final Product:

Your research paper thinking assignment should include:

  • A working topic title

  • A research question

  • A one paragraph “explanation of interest” 

  • An annotated bibliography, formatted in MLA 9th Edition style.

African Leaders:

  • Stephen Biko (South Africa)
  • Amilcar Cabral (Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde Islands)
  • Frantz Fanon (Algeria)
  • Patrice Lumumba (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
  • Agostinho Neto (Angola) 
  • Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana)
  • Ahmed Sékou Touré (Guinea) 

Citation Tool

User ID: student
Password: Newton Google Docs password

Questions about Citations

Google Docs and Passwords

Day 1- Background Research

Today you will use encyclopedia & other reference sources to start to take notes. Be sure to save your sources in Noodletools.

As you read about a leader, start a list of keywords (names, dates, places, etc.) to guide your research as you move forward. After Britannica, try finding additional reference/biography sources in World History in Context.

You can also search in one of the books we have available for reference in the library classroom or try searching in Gale eBooks.

Day 2- Further Research inc. Primary Sources

It's time to drill down and get more specific!

Use your keywords to find additional articles  and primary source materials specifically about your subtopics. For example, if your topic is Sirleaf, use a database and try searching: Sirleaf Liberian Civil War.


The Freedom Archives - This digital search engine contains, audio, video, and print materials from various movements around the world. 

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Newton, MA 02460
call: (617) 559-6290