As part of the AP African American Studies exam, students will complete an individual research project on a topic of their choice and then present and defend their analysis of those sources. This is an opportunity to explore a topic in depth that you are interested in!
After the oral presentation, students will begin to work on a project that synthesizes their research and presents a historical argument. The research requirements are the same for everyone, but students can choose how they will present their final project. Options include:
a graphic novel
a children’s book
a podcast
a traditional research paper
another idea!
If you chose one of the specified options, I have resources to support the development of your project. If you have another idea about a creative application of your project, we will work together to develop the criteria for your project.
Overview Essentials:
Topic must be based in African American Studies.
You must use at least eight sources, with at least two primary sources. One of your sources must be an actual, physical book.
Strive to use primary and scholarly sources, not general sources (like encyclopedias).
You will need to take notes on your sources to use in your project. I will show you a variety of forms those notes can take to help you stay organized.
Each part of the research process is required. Some of the checkpoints will count as small 3rd term product grades. If you miss a step, I will not accept any work from you until you have caught up.
All late or incomplete checkpoints (unless we’ve agreed on an extension) will receive a 50%.
The final product counts as a 200 point fourth term assessment grade.
Ebony Magazine Archives - History of African American Culture
Jet Magazine- Archives
457 Walnut Street
Newton, MA 02460
call: (617) 559-6290