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AmStud There There Research Topics


Objective for Today: 

Rank your top 5 topics based on what you learn here and maybe what you already know. From there, you'll be put in groups of about three to work together on research and a presentation (more information to come). 



As we read There, There, we want you to consider how a specific aspect of one of the following topics relates to your understanding of an aspect of There, There, You'll eventually come up with a thesis that answers this question:


How does  __________________(the history) help us understand ______________(the story)?


You will ultimately need to consider which specific history and which specific part(s) of the story. However, for now, we want you to explore some of the topics without doing too deep of a dive and think about which topics you are drawn to and interested in learning more about. 


Topic Tasting (Today!): 

In order to help direct your research and understanding, we are using today’s class to do a topic tasting. 

On the left are the lists of topics, bigger parts of the history, that you will explore. As you go through the pathfinder today, start with what’s interesting to you and take some notes. 


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