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We are the Historians of the Future: 10th grade research paper

We are the Historians of the Future


We Are the Historians of the Future

Research project:

Write a well-structured, thesis-driven research paper looking at a topic of
your choosing
in the purview of the span of world history from approximately 1780 - present.

This is your chance to research and write an argument driven paper about a topic in history you want to a) learn more about b) study something that we might not get to in class c) cover a different aspect or part of a topic we did study d) learn something new about a part of history you have always wanted to study.


ACP: 4 - 6 pages in length. HONORS: 5 - 7 pages in length
Times New Roman (size 12). Double spaced.
Expository, thesis-driven research essay written in the historical genre.
Thesis-driven research including in-text citations and annotated bibliography
ACP: min. 4 properly cited sources. HONORS: min. 6 properly cited sources).

Types of sources to use:

  • At the beginning of the project- references sources such as encyclopedia and textbook

  • Next to turn to secondary sources such as newspapers, magazines, and journal articles AND books/eBooks

  • Finally, find primary sources

Potential Topics for your Research Questions

1. Atlantic Revolutions

2. Industrial Revolution

3. Imperialism in Asia and Africa

4. Imperialism and Resistance (China, Japan, Ottoman Empire)

5. World War I, Interwar Years, World War II

6. The Cold War: The U.S., U.S.S.R., and China


NoodleTools Tutorials

Start your research here

Find Secondary Sources

Find Primary Sources

If you can't find primary sources for your topics in these databases, try using advanced search strategies in Google.

For example, if I am searching for a speech from someone associated with Music in Nigeria:
"Fela Kuti" AND "political resistance" AND Nigeria and speech
  • Use quotes for phrases and names that are more than two words.
  • Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to limit or expand your search
  • Use keywords that you found from your general research.
  • Use or to find only results from governmental or educational institutions

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