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Black Abolitionist Archive
Historical research center devoted to the study of African Americans involved in the transatlantic struggle against slavery.
Ebony Magazine Archives - History of African American Culture
Time Magazine Vault
Primary sources in archived Time Magazines from 1900-2000.
Digital Public Library
Primary sources on many topics.
Gilder Lehrman
An extensive archive of primary sources in American History.
Harp Week
Exhibits from the 19th century Harper's Weekly . Exhibits focus on the abolition of slavery (13th Amendment), black voting rights (15th Amendment), the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, Hayes v. Tilden, and presidential elections as depicted in policital cartoons from 1860 to 1912.
National Security Archives
Collects and publishes documents declassified under the Freedom of Information Act.
FBI: The Vault
Declassified documents available alphabetically by topic, or under "Espionage", "Famous Persons", "Gangster Era", "Historical Interest", "Unusual Phenomena", and "Violent Crime".
AdAccess: (Duke University)
Offers "over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955."
Smithsonian: National Museum of American History
Contains digital counterparts to exhibitions at the museum (with images and descriptions of some of the items) on military history, civil rights, and much more.
Oyez: Supreme Court Resouces
This multimedia database about the United States Supreme Court includes audio of oral arguments, abstracts of key constitutional cases, and information on Supreme Court justices.
Additional citation help videos and links here.
Do Your Best Google Search!
Vary the words you use and think of all the ways the search can be phrased.
i.e: headache, head hurts, pain in head, etc.
“ “ - use quotes for the exact phrase
* - use for wildcard unknown or variables
i.e: manufactur* (searches manufacture, manufacturing etc)
- minus sign as a limiter. .
i.e: jaguar -car (eliminate car sites if you’re looking for the animal)
Search within a site (or type of site) using or
.. shows results within a specific time frame or number range 2007..2010
Use AND,OR and NOT to search for limit, extend or include search results
Google Book Search - full text books
For primary sources, try specific keywords in your search...diaries, personal narrative, documents, testimony, library archives, etc.
Primary Source Lesson- Turner
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